Unintentional Time Bandits

Excuse me madam. Do you have 5 minutes to spare? You want five minutes? Sure, I have five minutes, I have all the time I need. Because I take my time. Whenever I need some time, I take it. Why do you need five minutes sir? Don’t you know you have all the time youContinue reading “Unintentional Time Bandits”

John McAfee, Timothy Leary & Julian Assange – A world without secrets.

On the run from the US government, imprisoned dozens of times, tax evasion, experimenting with LSD and other psychedelics, pushing the frontier of cryptocurrency technology. John McAfee certainly lived an extraordinary life. I see some similarities with Timothy Leary, but you can draw your own conclusions. In this final interview before his death, McAfee &Continue reading “John McAfee, Timothy Leary & Julian Assange – A world without secrets.”

Is Personal History Limiting You?

I don’t believe that I am defined by my personal history. The idea of maintaining a story of who we are seems quite obnoxious. To feel defined by a story, and of course a personal history is a story, is to limit oneself severely. Have you ever wondered why the idea of wanting to feelContinue reading “Is Personal History Limiting You?”

We are closer than you could imagine.

If you no longer believe in magic, then you’ve stopped paying attention. Magic is everywhere, it’s just explained away by the reductionist mind. One thing I have noticed about magic, is that it must be needed. And sometimes it’s not enough to just will things to happen. But the purpose of frustration is to showContinue reading “We are closer than you could imagine.”

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